Window screens can get punctured or torn, but as long as the frame is in good shape window screen repairs are easy and can be done in a few minutes. Here's how to make your screen door or window look good as new.Select Replacement Window Screens Material
The most popular window replacement screens material is fiberglass, the type we’re installing. Its flexibility makes it the easiest to use. If you make a mistake, you can take it out of the frame and try again. Aluminum screen is sturdier, but you only get one chance. The grooves you’ve made with the screen rolling tool are there to stay.
Another type of material for window screens that’s popular is sun-shading fabric. It blocks more sun, which means less load on your air-conditioning system and less fading of your carpet, draperies and furniture. It’s also stronger than fiberglass and aluminum screening, so it’s great for pet owners. There’s also heavy-duty screen material that’s targeted specifically for pet owners.
Most screen materials come in gray or black to match your other window screens. You can also get shiny aluminum as well as sun-shading fabrics in bronze and brown tones.
Know the size of your window when you go to the home center. It will sell pre-measured rolls to fit nearly any opening size. If your screen frame is taller than 36 inches, it should have a center support to keep it from bowing in once the material is in place. Newer screens usually come with this support.
If your long screens don’t have a support, you can make one out of aluminum frame stock. It’s located near the screening supplies in most stores. The aluminum stock can be cut with a tin snips and trimmed to fit.