How tall is WWE star Kevin Owens' son? Find out his real height after recent backstage photo goes vi

Kevin Owens' son, Owen Steen, has been the talk of the town recently ever since the Prizefighter posted a picture of his family on social media. In the picture, which has now gone viral on the internet, KO can be seen posing with his wife and their two children. However, what caught the WWE Universe's

Kevin Owens' son, Owen Steen, has been the talk of the town recently ever since the Prizefighter posted a picture of his family on social media.

In the picture, which has now gone viral on the internet, KO can be seen posing with his wife and their two children. However, what caught the WWE Universe's attention was the towering figure of The Prizefighter's son.

The 15-year-old's colossal figure has garnered several responses on social media, with many believing that Owens Jr. was over 7 feet tall. However, the Prizefighter's wife and Steen's mother, Karina Elias, took to Instagram to reveal that their son was 6'6.

"The internet freaking out over Owen’s height is sending me (laughing emoji). He’s 6’6, not 7 feet (yet, you never know lol),” she wrote.

Kevin Owens met his wife Karina on an online platform called Myspace in 2006. The duo dated for a while before tying the knot in 2007. The charismatic couple has two kids, a son named Owen Steen and a daughter named Élodie Leila.

Kevin Owens lost to Solo Sikoa on WWE RAW

Kevin Owens locked horns with Solo Sikoa in singles action on WWE RAW. However, things didn't turn out too well for the current Undisputed Tag Team Champion as he succumbed to a loss.

While the Prizefighter had his moments in the match, The Usos' interference in the match proved to be the decisive factor. During the bout's closing moments, Jey Uso delivered a devastating kick to Owens as Jimmy distracted the referee. Following that, Solo leveled KO with the Samoan spike before pinning him to earn a massive victory.

After the match, The Enforcer joined forces with The Usos to launch a brutal 3-on-1 attack on Owens, only for Sami Zayn and Matt Riddle to show up to make the save. Given the recent turn of events, it seems that the company is planning a 3-on-3 tag match between the two teams.

Do you want to see Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens & Matt Riddle vs. The Usos & Solo Sikoa at Backlash 2023? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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